The following projects are our "tools" for the conservation and protection of the rainforest.
Agrofloresta “forest garden agriculture” - is a system where fruit and vegetables are being grown under the shade of the trees. Instead of a mono culture a multi culture is being cultivated. So therefore in addition to perennial wood plants (trees, shrubs, palm trees, bamboo etc.) fruit trees and agricultural crops are also being planted.

Capoeira is not only Brazilian martial arts, it is part of the Brazilian history and in 2014 it was awarded with the title “World Cultural Heritage” by the UNESCO and it is on the list of the immaterial world cultural assets.

Eco-construction is a method of building houses and buildings in a sustainable way so that they harmonise with the environment. During the production and after finishing the building one tries to alleviate the effects on nature, to produce as little waste as possible and to be more economical with natural resources like water and power.